[Sonntag, 28. September 2008]
TV guide this week
Best Documentary/Dawn Porter (Sep 28):
Free Lover, Tuesday, Channel Four, 10pm
[...] Here she travels the globe to look at the different ways that relationships can work.
She starts off by immersing herself in the world of polyamory, visiting hippie communes in
California and Germany to see if free love really is all that free.
Presenter tries to find Mr Right at huge hippy orgy
(Sep 28):
The 29-year-old presenter joined a weird German cult with a passion for wild group sex as part of an investigation into how love works.
The bizarre scenes will be seen in Dawn Porter: Free Lover, a documentary series for Channel Four. [...]
It was at German cult Zegg, a commune who advocate polyamory — having sex with multiple
partners — that she took part in the orgy. Dawn said: “Zegg is an ecovillage where hippies
practise free love. They all have partners but also have lots of lovers. I joined in the fun at one of
their rituals — an oil session — where we all got naked, were ladelled with hot sunflower
oil and had a huge group massage.[”]
Wie sich 20 Jahre Public Relations in 40 Minuten vernichten lassen
in einer einfachen und schnell zu lernenden Lektion. Was hat das alles mit “polyamory”
zu tun? Nichts. Nada. Lo clum. Betsu-ni. Rien. Nothing.
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